
What is Collar?


Besides the common definition, a BDSM symbol of attachment of a submissive to a Dominant through collar made of metal, leather, or other material. Similar to a wedding band in vanilla society. Most collars are equipped with rings where a leash or restrain can be attached, like a dog's collar.

Wearing his collar to sleep was uncomfortable, but it reminded John all of the time that his Mistress loved and owned him, and he felt safe.


1. to arrest someone

2. an arrest

We collared the maniac just when he thought he had escaped.


To comprehend or understand something

Can you collar that jive I'm talkin?

See collar, jive, swing, zoot


to collar sum1 -

give them a hickey (only guys)

girls give them to guys!

-omg i hope he lets me collar him


See hickey, suck, neck


Someone who has been take'n into custody, or arrested by th police.

"You killed that woman johnny know your a collar for murder!"

See Kro


The part of a shirt that I use to stash my crack pipe

"I need some crack... Gimme a sec to pull it outta my collar."


like ghetto wer al da rude girls cum frm

i was up in da collar lookin 4 ma bitch

See nancy


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