College Board

What is College Board?


A board of people who are greedy and wish to make money on the notion that all kids will the SATs (they are also in charge of AP testing) In real life they don't give a shit about kids and only use the testing as an excuse to make money by selling stocks. A proof that they are fake is when they decided to make a NEW SAT testing with writing included so that the Universty of California, better known as UCs, colleges would still accept it. Sometimes they may lose your test scores and will not refund you.

College board fucking lost my test scores for the SATs I took in June.

See sat, ap, uc, greed


A group of filthy monkey making hootchies that ruthlessly forces many students to give them monetary value in exchange for "elgibility."

The College Board took my baby away.

See nazis, greedy, hos, unecessary, worthless, Pingy


Created to ruin the lives of all high schoolers, especially in the United States of America. It is because of this website that many teens cannot live the life they want today.

E.g 1

Mom: You never reply ANY of my emails!

Teen: That's because 90% of them are FORWARDS from College board! You spam my inbox EVERYDAY!

E.g 2

Teen: I'm going to the mall to hang out with Kate!

Parent: Oh no, you don't! I just checked your SAT scores online College board and you are grounded for the next 4 weeks!

See college, board, sat, ap, high school, college board


a company that makes and distributes the SATs, SAT IIs, among other things. known for its tendency to force students and their parents to pay too much for a "standardized" test. works closely with colleges to bleed students and their families' bank accounts dry for their own benefits.

Student 1: Man, College Board is the devil incarnate.

Student 2: Tell me about it. I just bombed my SAT Math II subject test, even though I've taken every math class available up through AP Statistics. So... not only did I not get a good score, but I had to pay for it, and I'll have to pay to cancel it.

Student 1: That sucks.

See sat, the devil, bill o'reilly, osama


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