College Diet

What is College Diet?


A diet that consists in approximately one meal a day. This meal is often of little or no nutritional value, and may be fast food or even a bag of chips from a vending machine, eaten while sitting in class waiting for the prof to arrive.

The college diet can be employed for a number of reasons, chief among these are a lack of funds with which to purchase food, or a lack of time in which to prepare and eat a balanced meal. Lack of desire or perceived need to eat because of side effects from ADD medicine or other sources is also a cause.

Weight loss is inevitable when the college diet is combined with the natural daily exercise one gets from walking from class to class carrying a heavy backpack.

I have no time to eat in college; I'm on the college diet.

See food, college, diet, money, poor, kids, dorm, vending machine


Not having time to eat between studying, sleeping, and working.

The college diet is in full effect at universities.

See college, diet, studying, sleeping, weight


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