Collegiate School

What is Collegiate School?


Collegiate is the nation's oldest currently operating school, founded in 1628 to educate the children of Dutch settlers. Today it is located on the Upper West Side of New York City and is brimming with young, educated boys.

Collegiate is often considered elite because of its rigorous academics; it is not unnormal to see nearly 50% of a graduating class attending an Ivy League school or a college or university of equal calibre. Collegiate also boasts great track, wrestling, and baseball teams.

Collegiate boys are also known to have an upbeat social life, hanging out with girls from nearby Brearley, Chapin, Spence, Nightingale, and other girls' schools. Alcohol is often part of the mix and drugs occasionally surface at wild house parties where kids from many different schools belonging to the "Interschool" (a group of private schools in NYC) community hang out.

The Collegiate school kids are so cool

See collegiate, elite, interschool, social, awesome


haughty, arrogant school on the upper west side of manhattan. founded 1628. with stereotypically rich, smart, sexist, privileged kids who bask in their skewed ethics. students are taught every once in a while that this school is the best in the U.S. .... and therefore, the world.

I want to marry a Collegiate graduate when I grow up. They're so rich and successful.

I can't wait until I get the fuck out of Collegiate.

Collegiate has a way of sinking its claws into you.


A school in Manhattan for really smart kids who have a sense of humor and for kids that know how to have a good time. Collegiate School has a great sports program. And well Dutchmen just rule.

I wanna fuck a collegiate school student. They are hot and smart. Also they're rich.

See collegiate, school, collegiate school, dutchmen, flying


One of the coolest schools ever to exist on the face of the planet. Founded in 1628. A lot of people claim that Collegiate is arrogant, haughty, or gay, but they're just being a bunch of fags themselves. To quote one definition that calls us gay, "Their mascot is the Flying Dutchman, which only proves my point." WTF!!?? If the Dutch never came to settle in America, AMERICA WOULDN'T EXIST. The Dutch were the first European people to settle in America, if you have an above 50 IQ you would know that. GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT BEFORE YOU POST SOMETHING RETARDED ON UD.

Seriously, if you're gonna rip on a school, rip on Buckley or something. Collegiate is actually made up of intelligent, hard-working, ass-kicking PIMPS, so if you're trying to mess with Collegiate, you're making a wrong choice, buddy. And what about that rumor of being STERIO-TYPICALLY RICH?? WTF?? If you're going to pay for an expensive private school, you HAVE to be rich, you retards (to those of you who insult us). To sum it up, Collegiate is just an awesome school, and if you don't agree, don't be a fag and insult us for no reason. Seriously.

I've attended many schools in my life, but none of them even come CLOSE to the fun and education I get at The Collegiate School.

Collegiate School- PIMPS ONLY

Collegiate rocked in 1628, Collegiate still rocks now. ROCK ON.

See collegiate, dutchman, awesome, school, cool, pimp, smart


A compettitive school that thinks they are so hott...they really are not.

ugly collegiate girl: hey...OMG we should so hang this wekeend

hott st chris guy: um no i have a gf


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