
What is Collusion?


a conspiracy, a secret society that does illegal activities such as drug dealing.

want to join my collusion?

See collusion


***This definition deals strictly with race/racism racial identity and social justice** Thinking and acting in ways which directly or indirectly support the system of racism. Both White and People of Color can collude with racism through their attitudes, beliefs and actions. Can be described as selling out, going along to get along, etc.

A Black (or any other race) woman (or man) in the office who sacrifices her racial ethnic identity, who ignores the fact that she was chosen only to make the company look diverse and that because she is there the company feels they don't have to hire any more Blacks or People of Color. This woman has colluded (the act of collusion) and for her silence and obedience, the company may give her a promotion.

See race, racism, ethnicity


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