
What is Coma?


Extended nap.

I just took a coma.

See nap, sleep, awesome, sweet


A coma is a state of prolonged unconsciousness, which can be caused by one of many, many things. Many people believe that even if a person is in a coma, s/he can still hear you if you speak to him/her.

"Hey there, Grandma. I hope you wake up from that dreadful coma soon. I miss your cooking--"

*Nurse leaves*

"I'm going to spray some whipped cream up your asshole, and THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! Haw haw haw!"

See grandma, coma, death, whipped cream, asshole, sadistic, nurse, doctor, evil


The period after one starts a new relationship, during which one loses contact with one's friends because one is devoting all one's time to one's significant other. Usually preceded by "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" for clarity.

I tried to get Dave up in here but he's still in his girlfriend coma.

See boyfriend, girlfriend, bitter, ditch, bliss


1) Frickin' cool to the max, or sweet. You can add sufixes to the end such as -able, -ing, -licious, and all that good stuff.

2) A state of deep, often prolonged unconsciousness, usually the result of injury, disease, or poison.

"Dude, that movie was for definentally coma!"

"That is the most comalicious rock I ever saw, for sure"

"Eh, yes sir, I was late because I was in a coma."

See cool, sweet, awesome, rad, the shit


sleeping away your life. must sleep at least 18 hrs a day and must have the dead bolt locked in the middle of the day in a securely locked and guarded trustworthy university dorm building. also must wear granny nightgowns with slippers and look like a bulldog-slug hybrid.

I fucking came home tonight at fucking 6:00 and fucking Beitung slothed out of her fucking room, awaking from her fucking coma in her fucking nightgown and locked the fucking dead bolt and now my key has to turn four fucking times. Fuck.

See bulldog, slug, suitemate, ocd


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