
What is Comcasted?


(v.) - To be disconnected randomly while using internet service by Comcast Cable.

I was downloading music and got Comcasted!!


Being stopped from doing something by an imposed limit, but not being told what that limit is under any circumstances.

If Disneyland was Comcasted:

Agent: "You have exceeded your fun limit for the day. You must leave the park immediately."

Tourist: "Limits? I wasn't told of any limits. What are the limits, if I may ask?"

Agent: "You may not."



To be randomly prevented from continuing your daily routine by people who do not care about their customers.

(When playing CoD4) To randomly start moving erratically as if you drank a cup of comcast's comcastic high speed, and see the infamous "connection interrupted" pop up.

OOOOhhh NOOOOeeess!11!!11oneonetwo!!1 I just got comcasted!

See comcast, sucks, comcastic, comcasted, high, speed


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