
What is Comjewter?


Com/jew/ter Pronunciationkuhm-joo-ter


1. An electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations, that is acting in a way that is not expected or wanted of if, or like a jew.

In other words, a computer that crashes or freezes up often, turns itself off, or performs unwanted operations.

Tom - "Not to sound Anti-Semetist, but this computer is being well Jewish"

Harry - "You mean it's a comjewter"

See jew, computer, comjewter, jewish, pc


Com/jew/ter Pronunciationkuhm-joo-ter


1. An electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations, that is acting in a way that is not expected or wanted of if, or like a jew.

In other words, a computer that crashes or freezes up often, turns itself off, or performs unwanted operations.

Tom - "Not to sound Anti-Semetist, but this computer is being well Jewish"

Harry - "You mean it's a comjewter"

See computer, jew, jewish, windows, crash


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