Commie Kid

What is Commie Kid?


Teenager with rudimenatry knowledge of politics who, after reading a popular book or listening to too much "Political Music" becomes a staunch communo-annarchist. They often become strongly apposed to any of the following: 1) War 2) Anything to the right of communism 3) Law enforcement 4) globalisation. Enjoys pasting graffiti informing you that you live in some form of police/fascist state. Often seen with sew-on badges of Cuban or Russian revolutionary figures, a pseudo-military jacket (usually a long green trenchcoat) and various "I hate Bush" items, although the anti-Bush movement is not limited to commie kids. Scorned by most students or intellectuals of politics.

Did you see that commie kid at the anti-war march?

See anarchist, communist, politics, kid, teenager


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