
What is Commitment?


Commitment is what

Transforms the promise into reality.

It is the words that speak

Boldly of your intentions.

And the actions which speak

Louder than the words.

It is making the time

When there is none.

Coming through time

After time after time,

Year after year after year.

Commitment is the stuff

Character is made of;

The power to change

The face of things.

It is the daily triumph

Of integrity over skepticism.

When I say I love you, I mean that I'm committed to working to love you even when it's hard.

See Ashbash


Something men are frequently afraid of.

Proposal of this will most definently end a relationship.

Me:I loveyou

Guy slowly backs away then turns and sprints


Something women tend to try say they want, but when they commit to you and you are married and have money, they dump you like you're a dumbshit. (See whoring bitches)

That woman tried to make a commitment but only lied to steal my money and house!

See Nitemare


sticking with something long after the mood you have said it in has left you..

robert while high "ime gonna stack lots of money this summer and stay commited to my commitment"

robert sober

"fuck stackin ime gonna smoke weed"

See stacking, money, green, greed


Commitment simply means to be commited to the task in hand.

"Wheres the commitment lads?"

"Right I want to see some commitment this time gents"

See Shabba


Fuck that.

Commitment is like puss. You get a taste, think its okay then BAM! it sucks. Really, Really sucks. Avoid if possible.

Girl: "I love you"

Guy is a fucking speck on the horizon.

Commitment: Yeah right.

See fuck, that, shit, my, homie


See hung by the nuts

The woman hun the man but his nuts.

See Nitemare


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