
What is Communism?


Communism is the final stage of the political reform started witha revolution, according to Marx. First masses of workers will rebel in a industrialezed country; they will implant a socialist government in order to adapt the country for later changes. After private property is banished, and the people possess everything, thenthere will be no need for government, thus the state will be destroyed, to form a society with no social classes. It important to remember that Marx knew that the mentality of man needed to change in order of this to work. He believe in the concept of the "new man" who was humble and just. It is also important to remeber did not believe in a country alone with this structure, but he believed that the whole world adapt to this change. Given this, it is safe to say that no country has ever achieved communism, and anyone who has a sense of equality do agree with this utopia.

No, Russia was not communist, neither is Cuba.


A nice idea (Everyone is equal, everything is shared) but one that falls to bits when greedy humans get in the way.

True communism has never been achieved on any significant scale in known history.


Something that, in theory, is a good idea. Communism is an ideal that believes that everyone should share everything, so that povertywouldn't exist, and there wouldn't be a gap between richer and poorer classes. The problem is, communist governments become corrupt, because people are greedy, so it doesn't work.

Person One: Why's that country so messed up?

Person Two: They just got rid of communism, and are now trying to put their country back together.

See communist, communists, government, politics, ideals


Communism, though recently associated with corrupt totalitarian states such as China and The Soviet Unionis one of the natural states of human existance, the idea of living in a self-sustaining group that cares for its members, like they did in the Paleolithic(Old Stone Age), which is increasingly hard in the modern world. Most families live in A SORT of communism, as parents USUALLY don't make the kids work for what they eat.

Many societies, such as the Shakersin America, the Incas in Peru, the Essines in Israel, and many Early Christian groups, have practiced forms of communism.

But Communism with Das Kapital C didn't come about until the mid 1800s when Karl Marxwrote the Communist Manifesto, which stated that Society was always going through transitions (the last two being Feudalism, and Capitalism), and that now was the time for a transition into a Socialisteconomy, which would lead to a classless society, which he called "Communism". Marx recognised the effectiveness of Capitalism, but saw that it was only another step in this chain.

One of the most contraversial points about Modern Communism is that it is vocally Athiest, as Marx had said " Religionis the Opiumof The People." This is because Marx's father was forced to convert from Judaism to Christianity in order to get a job in a largely anti-semitic country. Because of this, the young Marx decided that religion was fleeting, and was a tool of the opressor to bind the people. Despite this, many religious-based communistic societies have existed.

In the early 1900s, in Russia, long after marx's death, the TsarAlexander II had declared war on Japan. Russia, after a devistating defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, and heavy losses in World War I, the people were ready for a new government. Many looked to Marxism. These were lead by intellectuals such as Vladamir Ulyanov " Lenin", and Leon Trotsky. They called themselves the Bolsheviks, and pelieved that the Proletariat, The workers, must triumph in an armed revolution. In 1917, the Tsar was deposed, and followed by a capitalistic Provisional Government. This didn't cut it for the Bolsheviks, and the Bolsheviks soon gained control of Russia.

At first, the new Soviet Unionseemed like a genuine Marxiststate, but soon an upstart named Josef " Stalin" "The Man of Steel", began his deadly regime, which effectively ended the idea of a just Communist state.

the same thing was played out all over the world in places like China, and Cuba. Corrupt dictators hijacked Communistic ideals and used them for their own personal good.

So thus the great notions of Communism will forever be tainted by the terror of corrupt dictators.

Communism: As long as people will strive to rule over others, there will be no true communist state. -me

See marxism, bolshevism, socialism, capitalism, totalitarianism, maoism, atheism


An established form of government in which all men are created and treated as equals... except I'm more equal than you.

"Excuse me, could you please pass the salt?"

"No, we're equal, get it yourself."


The life span of communism= 1. valuable observations about the short comings of the free market system.

2. Stupid hypothesis formed to address these observations.

3. Conclusion= David Hassellhoff atop the Berlin Wall and Vladimir Putin's oversized bank account.

Utopia can't be created on Earth. This is why communism is a fundamentally flawed idea.

See communism, putin, boobs, russia


Needs Less Stalin, needs less greed for it to work properly.

Also means communal ownership of everything.

Damnit, I feel like I could sure use some Communism right now.

See commie, stalin, lenin, porn, comrade


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