Community Service

What is Community Service?


When a girl is so hideously ugly that hooking up with her could only be considered community service. See also Eagle Scout Project.

"See that girl over there?"

"Which, the whale over by the bar?"

"Yeah, that's some fuckin community service right there"


Usually involves occupying a melterat a party, usually unintentionally so that the rest of the partiers need not suffer.

"Ben's been talking to that melter Jerry for about half an hour now"

"Yeah, he's doing community service"

See melter, party, boring, service, gintonic


Linking people to synonymous sites that may have been redesigned with L33t $p3AK in mind; preferrably on forums. Also, encouraging fellow forum members to do dumb things.

Generously linking to google/intl/xx-hacker should be appreciated by andrewwarne75.


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