
What is Complex?


When one believes that many people around one hates one.

"Stop ignoring your friend, you're going to give her a complex"


Having many simple parts.

He kept throwing terms at me until I was blinded by how complex it was.

See complex, complicated, confusing, complexy


Getting a stiffy/ Going hard

''LOL Harry has problems getting complex''

See complex, hard, willy, stiff


A hip new Urban Magazine identified by the tag line "Guns, Drugs and the Hamptons: Life on the Reservation" and reaturing (i) booty shaking, (ii) tips on locking in a winter wifey, (iii) choosing a delicious poultry product, and (iv) Jay-Z. The editor's picks are marked with a red symbol in the shape of a hair pick that might be inserted into one's afro.

Yo Fat Boy, Time Magazine is wack and Complex is mad dope.

See magazine, complex, ebony, literature, reading, journal, jay-z, drugs


See also xelpmoc. Basically think Dogbert technical assistance. He knows pretty much everything there is to know about the interweb but he won't tell you because he hates you. He helped create warbucket

Complex loves Satan. Physically.


A Complete and utter gimp that runs through the world of Morningthaw getting pwned. But he is still not as big of a shithead as Paraduck or his cock-cucking buddies.

Hawt Girl-"Man, Complex just fucked my brains out."


One who hails Satan.

<complex> HAIL SATAN

See complex


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