
What is Complexity?


The most organized and developed American Counter-Strike 1.6 team. They have skills to pay the bills. If you face them, you WILL lose. Storm will take your whole team out with 1 clip. Superior aiming ability. Team 3D ain't shit against them.

coL.Storm` Killed 3D | Dominator with a headshot from deagle.

coL.Storm` Killed 3D | Miller with a headshot from deagle.

coL.Storm` Killed 3D | shaGuar with a headshot from deagle.

coL.Storm` Killed 3D | method with a headshot from deagle.

coL.Storm` Killed 3D | Volcano with a headshot from deagle.

That's right bitches. coL is going to beat you in every CAL Season. compLexity > ALL.

See col, complexity, frod, storm, warden, sunman, tr1p


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