
What is Compliment?


Something nice said about someone else, often to the "someone else" about whom the nice thing is said. Great for self-esteem.

Dan complimented Joe for being honest enough to admit that he had actually thought it was spelled 'Mientkiewich'

See self-esteem, nice, morale, canadian bulldog


Synonym for "offend".

"In this day and age, a guy can't compliment a girl without receiving trouble."


ME: "You look nice today."

GIRL: "Oh my God get the fuck away from me you fucking loser!!"

GUY: "You look nice today."

GIRL: "Fuck you."

GIRL: "You look nice today."

GIRL: "Aaw, thanks."

See Dave


A present in verbal form.

friend 1: "I love your t-shirt!"

friend 2: "I love your face!"

friend 1: "Thank you for that compliment!"

friend 2: "Thank you as well!"

See youtube, made, of, awesome


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