
What is Compo?


Compensation. To receive payment for an injury, physical or mental.

In some areas, a raised paving stone is regarded as a golden opportunity to raise money, and all the wasters and low-lifes will attempt to break something by *accidentally* tripping over said stone.

Commonly used in South Wales.

"Hey, did you hear that Dai broke his leg falling down the steps outside the pub last night?"

"The lucky bugger! He's done well, he should get a load of compo!"

See ambulance chaser, injury, claim


n: A man possessing dark cock attached to an otherwise pasty body. see also M Khan, Fat Bob

n: "to do a Compo", stupid, ill-concieved or wally-ish act. see also Weasel

That prick Copmo has Weaseled all my CDs again. If I ever catch that black-cocked freak, I'll beat him to within inches of his life, so I will.....


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