
What is Compound?


1. In linguistics, a compound is a lexeme (a word) that consists of more than one other lexeme.

2. In the Mafia, The compound is where the Don, immediate family, and perhaps a boss, resides. Highly secured by the family.

1. doghouse

2. Aye Paulie, Ralphie needs a follow back from the compound. His meeting with Don Ron didn't go so well...

See language, mafia, pit stop, doghouse


Like in chemistry a chemical bond between two items.. A compound is like soul mates.

'Woah Jane and Mike are a compound'

'I know they are made for eachother!'

See compound, chemistry, connection, soul mate, soul, mate


1. Savannahparty house located in Bingville.

2. Defunct Atlanta nightclub.

1. Let's get some beer from South Carolina and hit up the Compound.

2. Let's get some Hennessey and hit up the Compound.

See compound, savannah, atl, c-port, a-town, atlanta


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