Compound Retardation

What is Compound Retardation?


The act of doing something stupid and or retarded followed by another unintentional but equally retarded action.

Scott: What is an example of compound retardation?

Michael: When Kevin threw up then slipped in his own vomit and broke his arm.

See compound, retarded, ritarded, dumb, stupid


The act of doing something stupid and or retarded followed by another unintentional but equally retarded action.

Scott: What is an example of compound retardation?

Michael: When Kevin threw up then slipped in his own vomit and broke his arm.

See compound, retarded, stupid, dumb, multiple


The act of doing something stupid, followed by another unitentional yet equally stupid action

S: Remember when K slipped in his own vomit and broke his arm?

M: Yeah, thats some serious compound retardation

See compound, retard, retarded, dumb, stupid


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