Computer Science

What is Computer Science?


The study of making porn more readily available, to make it easier and faster to download, and to make what you're looking for easier to find.



The magical major where you have to write a program the night before it is due while your friends are playing poker and getting laid.

Forces you to take 3 semesters of calculus. This is not good.

I did fine in CS, but I failed calculus and lost my scholarship.


Computer major for

1) Hardcore computer people who want power Power POWER!

2) Masochistic individual who enjoys punishing himself

3) One who wants to become a programmer

Don't confuse a CS msjor for one who majors in Information Systems, or "Lazy Man's CS". Information Systems is more similar to majoring in Word.

LA LA LA LA LA, I'm in computer science, I want to be a programmer, yeah, that's it school, rape my ass! Bastards.


The bane of my existence. Why did I ever decide to minor in computer science?? I wish I could invent a time machine and go back in time and intercept myself before I declared it as my minor. I would then proceed to kick my own ass.

Computer science raped my GPA


Computer science is the study of the storage, transformation and transfer of information. The field encompasses both the theoretical study of algorithms (including their design, efficiency and application) and the practical problems involved in implementing them in terms of computer software and hardware.

Computer science has its roots primarily in the fields of electrical engineering (i.e., electronics), mathematicsand linguistics. It is still a relatively young field, mainly because it was only about a half century ago that electronics technology became sufficiently advanced to allow the construction of even primitive electronic computing devices.

In computer science, scientists apply concepts and techniques of computation, algorithms and computer design to a specific problem.

See cs, programming


self explanatory. you can major/minor in computer science in college and it's useful if you want to get a job later in life.

Computer science r0x0rz!


A demanding major but not as hard as many would like you to think. If you think CS is hard try CE where you do the core CS classes along with EE classes and extra math and physics.

computer science is a fun yet demanding major

See jjj, aaa, sss, alaa


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