
What is Comp-wad?


A computer nerd who has a vast knowledge of computers and uses his confusing computer vocabulary to pick-up chicks. A computer-was also spends a great deal of time in front of a computer screen. At school, think their bad ass when they play unreal tournament when they teacher is not looking.

1) Rochester: Dude...James tried to pick-up Marcy by calling her a sexy giga-babe....then he tried to show her how his intel processor works.

Francis: WAT A COMP-WAD...

Rochester: Wanna play counter-strike?

Francis: Chyea

2) Jimmy: Hey Cindy want me to demonstrate you how a male-connecting plug from my laptop connects with a female socket?

Cindy: Ur sucha comp-wad...go suck on ur usb key...

See computer, geek, nerd


Basically a computer nerd who tries to get chicks with their computer-techy language.

Rochester: Dude...James tried to pick-up Marcy by calling her a sexy giga-babe....then he tried to show her how an intel processor works.

Francis: WAT A COMP-WAD...

Rochester: Wanna play counter-strike?

Francis: Chyea

See computer, geek, nerd


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