
What is Con?


Slang term for a ripoff ot the act of ripping off somebody.

A person who is good at scamming others is called a con artist.



1. Shortened form of the word convict.

2. Something which rips someone off

That con coned me out of $50.

See Gigi


A shortened term, meaning "Convention". A place where many people with simular intrests gather to show their respects. Such as star trek conventions, anime conventions, and motorcycle conventions.

"Are you going to cosplay at the con this year?"

"I've attended 5 cons this year, alone."

See Felicia


Bloody or Damn Stupid in french =P

c'est con!!

It's damn stupid!!


In french slang it has an offensive term and a freindlier term.Only used for male.


con(offensive):dumb ass

female: see conne

Il est vraiment con se type.- That guy is really a dumb ass!


(noun) A weekend-long lock in for young unitarian universalistsinvolving workshops, hugging, and silent football.

-"Dude, you're an idiot for missing the con last weekend!"



See silent football, crunchy, hippies, bandanas


the spanish word for "with"

i am going to the the dance con(with) her!

See with, spanish, words, without, foreign


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