Con Jack

What is Con Jack?


a person who is a liar and a cheat for the purpose of stealing, often homeless and under the influence of demorahl and crack. a person who is a fraud.

I'm always approched by hella con jacks trying to get a peice of mine, when I'm trying to get some peace of mind.

That con jack is always scaming to get in my wallet so he can go get drunk and high.That fool used to work at flower store and now he is trying to be a hardcore rapper, what a con jack !

See con, jack, crack, homeless, fraud


a person who is a liar and a cheat for the purpose of stealing, often homless and under the influence of demorahl and crack

Im always approched by hella con jacks trying to get a peice of mine, when im trying to get some peace of mind.

See homeless, loser, crack, con, jack


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