
What is Conchetumadre?


Slang word used in Chile. It is commonly used the same way as "motherfucker". It literally means "the cunt(vagina) of your mother".

In the same way as the term "motherfucker" it´s offensive use depends on the way you say it.

If somebody's messing with you:

Spanish: ¿Qué te pasa conchetumadre?

English: ¿What´s the matter motherfucker?

To a friend:

Spanish: ¿Qué onda conchetumadre?

English: ¿What´s up motherfucker?

See conchetumadre, conchetumare


Slang word used in Chile. It is commonly used the same way as "motherfucker". It literally means "the cunt(vagina) of your mother".

In the same way as the term "motherfucker" it´s offensive use depends on the way you say it.

If somebody's messing with you:

Spanish: ¿Qué te pasa conchetumadre?

English: ¿What´s the matter motherfucker?

To a friend:

Spanish: ¿Qué onda conchetumadre?

English: ¿What´s up motherfucker?

See conchetumadre, conchetumare


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