
What is Concubining?


Living together with several different sex/romantic partners. To have multiple girlfriends or wives, all of whom know about each other and live in the same house. Polygamy.

Originated thousands of years ago as a means of producing a large number of offspring, and as a status symbol, to show off how many women and children a man could afford to provide for, and to display virility. Now banned in most countries, but was once common practice, even in early Christendom: Charlamagne had multiple wives.

The word was recently popularized by one Ricky Lackey, a convicted thief who, when asked by the judge at his trial how many children he had, replied: "None now, but I have six on the way." When the judge asked if he was marrying a woman who had six children, he replied "No, I be concubining." Meaning, of course, that he had 6 girlfriends, all of whom were pregnant.

Judge: "Do you have any children?"

Lackey: "No, but I have six on the way."

Judge: "So, you're marrying a woman with six children?"

Lackey: "No, I be concubining."

See polygamy, breed, concubine, sex, relationship, baby daddy


Living together with several different sex/romantic partners. To have multiple girlfriends or wives, all of whom know about each other and live in the same house. Polygamy.

Originated thousands of years ago as a means of producing a large number of offspring, and as a status symbol, to show off how many women and children a man could afford to provide for, and to display virility. Now banned in most countries, but was once common practice, even in early Christendom: Charlamagne had multiple wives.

The word was recently popularized by one Ricky Lackey, a convicted thief who, when asked by the judge at his trial how many children he had, replied: "None now, but I have six on the way." When the judge asked if he was marrying a woman who had six children, he replied "No, I be concubining." Meaning, of course, that he had 6 girlfriends, all of whom were pregnant.

Judge: "Do you have any children?"

Lackey: "No, but I have six on the way."

Judge: "So, you're marrying a woman with six children?"

Lackey: "No, I be concubining."

See polygamy, breed, concubine, sex, relationship, baby daddy


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