What is Condom Commercial Kid?


A bratty little kid disturbing people in a public place with limited to no control from the parent. Often associated with a sudden desire to increase strength and use of birth control products. Commonly expressed in the grocery store as making a bee-line for the condom isle because of what you saw on the cereal isle. Both parents and non-parents report seeing Condom Commercial Kids.

"I didn't get to enjoy the movie because of that five-year-old (Condom Commercial Kid) right behind me screaming and kicking the back of my seat the entire two hours. On an unrelated matter, no glove--no love, so let's stop by the drugstore on the way home home..."

See brat, children, screaming, kid, condom, birth control, cereal, grocery, tantrum


A bratty little kid disturbing people in a public place with limited to no control from the parent. Often associated with a sudden desire to increase strength and use of birth control products. Commonly expressed in the grocery store as making a bee-line for the condom isle because of what you saw on the cereal isle. Both parents and non-parents report seeing Condom Commercial Kids.

"I didn't get to enjoy the movie because of that five-year-old (Condom Commercial Kid) right behind me screaming and kicking the back of my seat the entire two hours. On an unrelated matter, no glove--no love, so let's stop by the drugstore on the way home home..."

See brat, children, screaming, kid, condom, birth control, cereal, grocery, tantrum


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