Condom Hat

What is Condom Hat?


a extremely tight beanie, without a fold, that resembles a condom when placed on one's head.

the nordic skiier was wearing a condom hat.


A sort of hat that people (who nobody really likes) wear because they think they're cool. Very much shaped like a condom.

She said her dad secretly changed her brake pads. She was probably sitting in her car at the stoplight, wearing her condom hat, as her dad changed her brake pads.

See condom, hat, douche, hats, stupid


a hat which resembles a condom

That stupid fly bitch is wearing a condom hat


Any of a number of stupid looking hats that dumbass high school jackoffs typically wear. Usually seen while listening to Linkin Park and picking their nose/ass.

Anyone who wears a condom hat should have their ass kicked.

Man, look at all the condom hats getting into their mom's cars when the mall closes.


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