
What is Coneing?


modern sport that involves placeing parking cones in public roadways in order to disturb the flow of traffic.

I am going to go coneing on Thornebrooke Rd. tonight.

See local hooligan, extreme sports


Part I: The act of driving aimelessly around one's hood to find big orange construction cones, then preceding to take turns sprinting out of a vehicle(while still moving), and throwing the dirty cones in to the vehilce.

Part II: Writing messages on the "replaced" (not stolen) cones and popping a few of them on a person's yard/doorstep of extreme dislike or like, ringing the doorbell and peeling out. Coneing can include second rounds of replacing the cones later in the day if they are taken down. Done in groups of four or five.

I'm bored and still a little and buzzed from last night...lets go coneing and then pick up some Denny's.

See cone-ing, coned


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