Conference Roomed

What is Conference Roomed?


When a small group or bunk is called to the Matoaka conference room by an office staff or importnant counselor for doing something against the rules. Is looked at as getting in trouble, normally people don't leave the conference room very happy (unless its late at night and they just made coffee or bought a soda!). Coined by 14B by gettting in trouble too much.

Yeah and yesterday we got conference roomed for swinging from the rafters naked and being too loud.

See conference, matoaka, 14b, jason, leslie


Conference Roomed

When a small group or bunk is called to the Matoaka conference room by an office staff or importnant counselor for doing something against the rules. Is looked at as getting in trouble, normally people don't leave the conference room very happy (unless its late at night and they just made coffee or bought a soda!). Coined by 14B by gettting in trouble too much.

Yeah and yesterday we got conference roomed for swinging from the rafters naked and being too loud.

See conference, matoaka, 14b, jason, leslie


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