
What is Confused?


See George Bush

George Bush is so confused he thinks he's a suitable president

See Brendan


the word that is most often used by women and men when they don't know how a relationship is going, or if there is a relation ship.

ME: So is there an us?

YOU: Umm, just cuz we talk every night for 2 months straight doesn't mean we're seeing eachother...

ME: I thought we had a relationship going? What about the sex, and the flowers cards and candy, and the dates, and meeting your parents?

YOU: Well, I'm confused about all this too



What? How did I get here? Where the...

Hey! What's going on? Jesus Christ! TELL ME!! What the?? I'm confused!! What's going on here? AHHH!


not knowing what is going on




A highly offensive term for bisexual people. It's just as offensive as calling a homosexual the "F-A word"

Jerk: "That guy is making out with another guy, he's under 18 so he must be confused"

See confused, bi-curious, bi, fag, bisexual, homophobe


a person who wears from wallmartto hot topic to abercrombie and fitch. listens to all kinds of music ... but not country. doesnt care what people call them but might have a tad of low self esteem.They dont want to look ahead at life because they know what is coming might not be fun.They talk normal for sure, no gangster or preppy or goth talk. just normal.

Chongi: oye babii a donde you go to buy ropa??

Confused: Dont ask me that. I dress from anywhere.

See confused, anything, wear


Having no idea,not accepting the facts

Adam stauffer confused about his marriage with Alise stauffer, and there new born baby girl.

See confused, bewildered, dumbis, tarded, discombobulated


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