
What is Conservapedia?


A fundamentalist Christian wiki encyclopaedia project which promotes Biblical creation and rejects science. Heavily criticised by both conservatives and liberals, it is the subject of ridicule from those who are used to getting information without a heavy dose of fundamentalist hilarity.

Conservapedia says:

1) all kangaroos are descended from a single pair who were on Noah's Ark.

2) gravity is an unproven theory.

2) Einstein's General Relativity "has nothing to do with physics".

3) only followers of Christianity are capable of religious faith

4) atheists are incapable of being moral

5) Jews are "touchy" about the Holocaust

See conservapedia, wikipedia, encyclopedia, bias, biased, christian, christians, conservative, conservatives, liberal, liberals, fundamentalist, fundamentalism, extreme, right-wing, religion, religious, wiki, creationism, creationist, creation, science


A complete disaster masquerading as a supposedly factual on-line encyclopedia. It was created as an alternative to the alleged "liberal bias" of Wikipediain order to "protect the children" as it were. In fact, it is doing more harm than good because the information posted as factual is very often wrong, dangerously incomplete, or an outright falsehood. Use of Conservapedia as a primary source of information is not advised.

Little did Andy Schlafly realize how Conservapedia elevate deliberate ignorance to a whole new level.

See conservapedia, wikipedia, conservative, nonsense, ignorance, stupidity, foolishness


A site that claims to offer an alternative to the "liberal bias" of Wikipedia. It ultimately fails because, as we have learned with Fox News, fighting bias with bias only leads to more bias. One of the best humor sites on the web.

Conservapedia: "Some conservatives claim that conservatives and an overwhelmingly small minority of liberals consider deceit wrong and actively fight it, and that there is substantial evidence that liberals are more guilty of deceit than conservatives."

Me: lol

See wikipedia, uncyclopedia, conservative, liberal, wiki, fox news


A wiki, very similar to wikipedia on everything. However..i have noticed many hypocrisies and hmm, well crackpot theories.

The hypocrisy which pisses me off most is that in the "Examples of Bias in wikipedia"

number 22. (out of 133 ffs)reads:

"Wikipedia has an extensive entry on "Creation myth".40 Describing Creationism as a "myth" is yet another attempt to disparage Christians, and although the theory of evolution satisfies Wikipedia's definition of "myth", Wikipedia never describes it as a "myth". "

Fair enough, slightly mental, but he has a point...yes?

However...looking at the article on the conservapedia article "Dreamtime", an australlian aboriginal creation story; IT is described as a myth.

So Christian creationism is NOT a myth but any other creationism is?? hmmm...

also on the article about kangaroos (boing boing) there is a large 3 paragraph section on the Young Earth Creationist theory and only 1/2 a sentence on the evolutionary theory

so the YEC theory which is probably less supported than evolution recieves more coverage than a well established and most probably correct theory.

Conservapedia on Wikipedia: "Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia founded by entrepreneur and atheist Jimmy Wales..."

umm yehh..why mention atheism?

See inbred, hick, redneck, hypocrit, biased, bias


A Wikipediasatire website that spoofs far-right Christian fundamentalism. It teasingly promotes Young Earth Creationism over evolution, jokingly labels atheism as an insidious evil infecting the world, and...wait, what? You gotta be kidding me - that site is SERIOUS?!? Good lord.

I used Conservapedia to help me write my book report, but my teacher told me I'm in third grade now, and should know better.

See christian, comedy, palin, lolcats, fail


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