
What is Conservative?


1) One who espouses a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change.

2) One who believes in less government being better government.

3) One who believes in such "outmoded" ideas as civil liberties (freedom of speech, separation of church and state, right to keep and bear arms, that kind of thing)

4) One for whom the Republican Party no longer truly speaks.

5) a word that today's so-called "conservatives" don't know the definition of.

"Today's so-called 'conservatives' don't even know what the word means. They think I've turned liberal because I believe a woman has a right to an abortion. That's a decision that's up to the pregnant woman, not up to the pope or some do-gooders or the Religious Right. It's not a conservative issue at all." -- Barry Goldwater


If used in a non-political sense, "conservative" simply means "not much."

I'd like a large popcorn with a conservative amount of butter, please.


Despite the misgivings of certain individuals who have an absurdly black/white view of the political spectrum, conservatism does not instantly mean hypocrasy and it certainly is not necessarily far-right in philosophy. Conservatism can be broadly categorised in two areas:

1. Fiscal conservatism. A belief in personal responsibility for finances. Scaling back taxation to allow greater control over individual incomes. Conservative thinking promotes cutbacks in public spending enabling tax breaks to be given to those that are earning, and believes in helping those out of work back into self sufficiency.

2. Social conservatism. Contrary to the fiscal conservatism, social conservatives believe in placing restrictions on personal freedoms, resulting in more government involvement into the daily lives of individuals. This is also known as neo-conservative.

I am a fiscal conservative, but a social liberal.


1) A non argument used by people, egged on by talking heads. Often used in place of an intelligent point.

2) An economic ideology that emphasizes fiscal responsibility: Saving money as opposed to spending it.

3) A political ideology that less is more when in refference to the scale that Government should play in daily life.

4) Not to be confused with neo-conservativeor neo conwhich emphasizes spending, and larger government.

1) You dirty conservative, you ate my baby!

2) The annual budget report angered many conservatives due to the outrageous disparity between the money created, and spent.

3) Mike appreciated a conservative approach to government, less is more.

4) Most true conservatives are deeply bothered by the wave of neo-cons that have come into existance.


1. One who belongs to a silent majority group who, historically, is not concerned with voting in feeble opinion polls and ridiculous online word-bashing contests (See Presidential Election 2004, when nearly every major news network published "national" polls of John Kerry gaining the majority of votes from coast to coast. Note how when push came to shove this silent majority swept the election with a mandate...

2. One that typically exists to the right of the political spectrum, but by no means is required to be "far" in such direction. A conservative also recognizes the fact that when a decidedly "far-right" President is elected by marginal popular vote, the MAJORITY has spoken that it would even side with the extreme of one side to flee from the flimsy and weak views of the opposition.

3. An entity that understands that America was founded that its citizens may exercise individual freedoms without *government intervention; this right not the be misinterpreted that those with views dissimilar to the majority may resrict the fair practice of those in the majority, just that they may choose to believe differently without persecution. Unfortunately liberalism has yet to grasp this fundamental concept and would rather chase Christians with lawsuits than read a history book.

Reread these 3 definitions also if you have lost sight of the definition of the word patriot.

Conservatism is often twisted, bashed, and contorted by misguided liberals who would rather point fingers and pat each other on the back than actually doing something constructive.


a person that thinks "less is more" politics wise. Usually quietter when presented with a poll, and prefers to save money rather than spending it. Prefers to allow more freedom law wise (where I've lived and observed). Called Fascists by liberals (apparently). I use parentheses too much don't I? (don't send me your opinions)

That liberal is soooo wrong! He's a fascist.

I am a conservative.

See republican, republican party, political party, fascist, politics


1.) Anybody who is not left of centre or a Canadian drug addict/whore

2.) Anybody who supports traditional beliefs and corporal punishment for truancy from these beliefs.

3.)People who do not believe in radical changes (eg emancipating illegal drug supply), think it is about time the Canadian government built long required freeways in main centres to resolve gridlock (not a pack of protesters or tree huggers, but a plethora of sedate motor vehicles whose advancement is impeded by a paucity of infastructure to accomodate them), believes the Canadian Prime Minister should walk into Lake Ontario and never return.

I am proud to be a member of the Sovereign of the British Monarchy.

Notice how in the early days, misbehaving children who received corporal punishments were somewhat reluctant to re-offend their elders.

Building new freeways in North America's heavily congested centres would be a truly Conservative choice; traffic flow would improve and possibly even improve the gas mileage of your Ford Taurus, you Ontarian drug addict.


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