Conservative Punk

What is Conservative Punk?


Simply put, a Punk Rocker who happens to have a Conservative/Libertarian standpoint and outlook on politics. This is not an oxymoron because if punk is really against government then there's no way they can logically work towards communism because communism is basically where the government controls every aspect of an individual's life! Where's the anarchy in that, you brainwashed idiots?! While it's worth noting that some Conservative Punks are genuine neo-conservative right wingers, the majority of them have a very strong Libertarian tilt to their political ideology.

Famous Conservative Punks include

Johnny Ramone

Lee Ving (Fear)

Members of the Vandals

Michale Graves ('Newfits, Gotham Road) (yes, the newfits suck, i know)


Bobby Steele (The Misfits, yes, the original misfits. the Undead)

See conservative, punk, libertarian, michale graves


Not at all an oxymoron. Today punk kids are led to believe that communism is the way to be although they preach anarchy. Thus calling themselves, Anarcho-communists. However this makes no sense because of the fact that these two ideals lie on the opposite sides of the spectrum. Truly educated punks who adopt conservative/libertarian ideals know that they highly oppose the government are the true anarchists that try to push for smaller government.


Conservative Punk: First of all, you need the government to divide the nation's wealth and second of all it's called 'communism' and it didn't work you fucking retard.

See punk, street punk, skins, pogo, scene


A punk who is a conservative. Not an oxymoron. Its worth noting on Punk Magazine's original bottom 99 list in 1978 liberals were number 33.

Johnny Ramone is a conservative punk.


A Conservative Punk is someone who truly believes in the DIY ethic. A Conservative Punk is a believer in limited government and personal responsibility. A Conservative Punk is someone who stands up for people who can't defend themselves against bullies.

Poseur: Lyke, totally you guys! I'm totally punk!

Conservative Punk: Really now? What are your political preferences?

Poseur: Well, I'm like, totally a socialist because I like, hate Bush and lyke Fat Mike is like totally awesome! Hey! Like, look at my totally cool Che t-shirt!

Conservative Punk: You poseur. What's you're favorite band, you so called "punk".

Conservative Punk: Ahh! It's totally Anti-Flag. I just got their new album out on RCA. What a cool punk label!

Conservative Punk: I'm not surprised. Punk is about personal responsibility and doing the right thing regardless of what others think of you! You are a disgrace to true punks everywhere.

Conservative Punk: OMG! But I thought that it was lyke, for rich white dudes like me!

Conservative Punk: Go suck one of your crappy ass Green Day CD's

Poseur: Oooook! yay!

See conservative punk, objectivist


a punk rocker who understands what bieng punk is,that capitalism works,lower taxes and less government are good, and above all doesnt want a fascist/communist/national socialist goverment (like the one obama is giving us)

some notable conservative punks

Michale Graves "i like george bush because i believe he truly emodies what a leader should have"

Johnny Ramone

"god bless President Bush and god bless the United States"

See punk, republican, conservative, capitalist


A masochistic ignorant tool for corporate globalization and the iq equivalent of a liberal punk. They have an astonishing inability to see they take more from the world than they actually give. They generally hate everybody and think they are god's gift to free market exploitation. When usually they forget they have a mowawk and nobody takes them seriously.

Dickweed#1: I'm a conservative punk because i'm creative and earned every penny i have. Fuck everybody who can't come up with lyrics like "i gave your kid aids."

Dickweed#2: I'm a liberal punk who plays guitar on weekends and dreams of getting off my fat ass to do community service.

Some guy: How about fuck people who try to impose their beliefs on others whether it be business or government.

See dumbass, dan quayle, conservative, liberal, punk


An extremely contradicting phrase. You can't be a conservative and a punk. Not only is it un-intelligent, but it is also very disgraceful and pathetic. A conservative punk doesn't exist today, and most likely won't later on.

Poseur: Lyke, totally you guys! I'm totally punk!

Punk: Really now? What are your political prefferances?

Poseur: Well, I'm like, totally a conservative because I like, hate black people and um... bush is lyke, totally awesome!

Punk: You poseur. What's you're favorite band, you so called "punk".

Poseur: Ahh! It's totally Simple Plan.

Punk: I'm not surprised. Punk is about disregaurding orders and ANARCHY! You are a disgrace to true punks everywhere.

Poseur: OMG! But I thought that it was lyke, for rich white girls like me!

Punk: Go suck one of your crappy ass Avril Lavigne CD's

Poseur: Oooook! yay!


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