
What is Conservawhore?


Noun: An attractive woman whose political beliefs follow those of the conservative path. Usually outspoken in her beliefs, and unwilling to listen to people who disagree, responding with angry words and actions towards them.

Ann Coulter and Elisabeth Hasselbeck are two of the biggest conservawhores in America.

See bitch, conservative, whore, Chris Palmer


An often attractive woman who espouses conservative viewpoints on sex and relationships, then has lots of sex/other things she decries by day. See hypocrite.

Wow, she's such a conservawhore, talking about "family values" and then going and getting knocked up at that frat party!

See conservatard, slut, whore


Noun: An attractive woman whose political beliefs follow those of the conservative path. Usually outspoken in her beliefs, and unwilling to listen to people who disagree, responding with angry words and actions towards them.

Ann Coulter and Elisabeth Hasselbeck are two of the biggest conservawhores in America.

See conservative, woman, attractive, whore, bitch, Chris Palmer


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