
What is Conspiracy?


Every major event since the beginning of time.

Everything thats ever happend was a conspiracy, covered up by the government.

See bush, 9/11, idiot, lies, government


A theory of another result other than the one fed to one through mainstream lies. It is usually more documented, relevant, logical, and resourceful that what is commonly accepted as the truth surrounding an event.

Also see:

september 11th

osama bin laden

Oswald killed Kennedy alone? No.

It was CIA in conjunction with the military industrial complex.


1. A secret plan to overthrow a certain group or to do something else illegal or wrong.

2. A different idea/theory of why something (usually bad) happened, rather than the one which people are told.

1. A group of young men decided to conspire against their government.

2. 9/11 has many conspiracy theories surrounding it.

See idea, theory, 9/11, government


Definition cannot be released because the government is keeping it a secret.

There is no conspiracy here, everyone please relax and pay no attention to anyone besides us, we're the only true source of information. = C.I.A.

See government, the man, nine eleven, terrorist, america


an association of more than one person working together towards a shared goal (usually implies but doesn't require secrecy)

- we've found a cure for cancer yesterday!

- Great! that's the 3rd one this week, go patent it and put in the archives along with the others so our profits from making people survive longer with the condition are safe.

-- a guy from the pharmaceutical industry conspiracy to another.

See conspiracy, agenda, gang, secret, group


When you find something you don't completely understand, add aliens, and quote mine a few officials on a webpage and ask for donations.

Area 51... anything made with advanced metal MUST be involved with an alien conspiracy, DUH.

See justin, timberlake, conspiracy, tom, lol, roflmao


a lie around a big thing like aliens, ghosts and bush.

conspiracy: osam bin laden flew airplanes into world trade center.

truth: george.w.bush flew airplanes into world trade center.

See sex, porn, sexy


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