Conspiracy Theory

What is Conspiracy Theory?


slangdefine is being used for governmental purposes. The government is finding out ways to control us, and is trying to figure out our language via slangdefine. Please, listen to me, im from the future where every---


Dear slangdefine users, it is the best intention to ensure the safety of its people. Area 61 is not real, nor has never been. The government is not using slangdefine as a resource for population control.

With regards, The Central Intelligence Agency.


1) Designation assigned by corporate media to any idea divergent of government script.

2) Results from careful and unbiased analysis of the facts and circumstances surrounding a high profile event, proving an agenda is/was in motion.

3) So called ‘conspiracy theorists’ preferred to be called ‘agenda analysts’ or simply thinkers.

>>Friendly Neighbor<<: I’m 99% sure your house is on fire. You should leave.

>>Home Owner<<: Leave? If I don’t marinate in the glow of my TV for at least six hours every night, I have no chance at happiness. So no, you leave. Get the hell out of here!

>>Neighbor<<: Please sir, there are flames shooting out from all your windows and a dark cloud of smoke halos your house, which clearly and strongly suggests your house is on fire and your family should evacuate.

>>Owner<<: No. No. I can’t believe that so you must be wrong. To settle this I will call the mainstream media to verify.

>>Neighbor<<: Sir, seeing has to be believing. I beg you to please just look at the evidence and decide for yourself. Your family is in danger.

>>Owner<<: Hold on, I’m on the phone. - Yes, hello kind sexy professional expert media personality. My neighbor claims my house is on fire. I think he is being too negative.

>>Media Personality<<: OK, calm down. One question. Is your house a steel frame structure?

>>Owner<<: No, just wood and insulation.

>>Media<<: Well then, you have nothing to fear. Fire doesn’t melt wood, it only melts steel and concrete, like on 9-11. Lumber igniting is just some wild conspiracy theory. You are smart to distrust your neighbors and loved ones. He’s probably trying to rob you. Just get back to watching your ‘I Love Lucy’ reruns and buy the advertised products. (hangs up)

>>Owner<<: Look a-hole, you need to be more positive. Stop being a nutbag. There is no such thing as a house fire. (slams door, fire collapses house neatly into its own footprint at the speed of gravity killing him and his entire family)


“Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories regarding the attacks of September 11” - President George W. Bush, at the 56th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, November 10, 2001, New York

See conspiracy, theory, truth, truther, troof, troofer, 911, 9/11, bush, cheney, rumsfeld, wolfowitz, silverstein, pentagon, cruise, missile, thermite, 7/7, oklahoma city, bombing, timothy mcveigh, mcveigh, cia, pat tillman, whistleblower, heroin, afghanistan


two words which are uttered whenever anyone is getting too close to the truth

this renders said person null and void and gives said person the appearance of a paranoid twat with a tinfoil hat regardless of what facts or evidence or actual proof they have

these two little words conspiracy theory have a magical effect similar to:

"there is no such thing as the occult,the occult doesn't exist,

you don't need to see any identification,these aren't the droids you are looking for,you can go about your business,move along"

Remember your history books are all true until you find something in them you're not supposed to talk about.Then you will be rendered a paranoid schizophrenic by the utterence of the two magical words "conspiracy theory"


I will point at Metal Gear Solid 3and say "pretty much that".

Anyone who doesnt trust the governmet will make up bullshit storis because they are too lazy to look up facts like these on, for example, the JFK assassination.

1. There is no such thing as a magic bullet.

2. There were 3 shots fired that day: 1. missed 2. got kennedy through the chest/throat and would have been fatal if the next shot had not been fired 3. The infamous headshot

There are theories that there was a second gunman, or that the bullet made an S curve to hit both kennedy and the governor of texas, when in fact a recent Discovery Channel special shows the following:

1. The governors seat in the front of the car was 6 inches in and 3 inches down from the seat where Kennedy was sitting, eliminating the magic bullet theory.

2. The second shot mentioned above entered through the tough muscle near the neck and shoulder, penetrated the seat and went through the governors seat and torso, exited through his chest and sturck his wrist and exited, glancing off the bone and finally stopping in the Texas Governors theigh.

3. The Discovery channel special used the $12.75 Italian Mannlischer rifle in .30 caliber period ammunition from an elevation and angle identical to Lee Harvey Oswalds position and turned up almost identical results to what has been tested and video taped.

So, for the last fucking time, STOP with the JFK theories and do something productive.

Conspiracy theory is useless

See lame, gay, useless, jfk, assassination


A Conspiracy theory is a theory on how stuff is conspired secretly to achieve an ultimate goal of some short, usually within politics, religion, or military. Sometimes they are accurate, but many times they are not. Similar to urban legends.

Examples of conspiracy theories are for examples Jews run the world.and Zionist carried out 9/11 to justify the war in Iraq.

Did you know there was a conspiracy theory to frame that man for a political crime.

See conspiracy, theory, what, is


Usually there's alot of truth to so called conspiracy theories and a mountain of easily verified evidence to any sane intelligent person willing to look deep into these matters.There are many conspiracy facts but simply calling them conspiracy theories manages to quash the truth and serves to give the people talking about them the appearance of being mentally unstable nutters who spend their spare time wearing tinfoil hats.

The truth "IS" out there but people are too fucking stupid and lack discernment.

There are looneys but also there are debunkers and they're just a fucking looney as the real tinfoil hat people.

As for the arrogant scoffers I ask,is it really so hard to believe that the government is capable of lies and deceit?

If you answered no to that then you already have your head farther up your ass than any of the real tinfoil hat wearing looneys do.

The fact is that some things that get labeled conspiracy "theories" are actually hard facts and easily verifiable.If you stick to the hard facts then there really is some weird fucking shit going on if you've got the balls to be honest and admit it and aren't a cowering wimp with your head buried up your own ass like a chicken shit.

Don't speculate.Look for the real historical evidence and the real facts and form your opinions from those.Facts aren't theories and if you think they are then you're just mentally fucking retarded.Too much Mtv maybe?

The truth really "IS" out there if you'd only look for it.

See Fox Mulder


If people are unemployed, they make up a conspiracy theory that's insane and the "truth", never mind that it makes no sense. This will give them attention, and if they get lucky, they'll get payed to write a book about their theory, making them some money to pay their electric bills.

The illuminati controlls us all!



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