
What is Contanister?


1. A canister shaped container used to hold small objects, such as beads, marbles, etc.

2. A woman's ass that is used to hold small objects, such as beads, marbles, etc.

1. I have all my beads arranged by color in separate contanisters.

2. I have all my beads arranged by color in separate contanisters.


When Container and Cannister are not good enough, you need a "Contanister".

Person#1: Man, I have all this rice, what should I put it in?

Person#2: I have a great contanister that I usually use for that

See container, cannister, vessel, box, hold, contain


You hold stuff in one of these. kind of like a container, but different.

A band called "punching foster" wrote a song about a contanister. Listen to the song. It's called "contanister"

See Freddy Mercury


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