
What is Contiki?


And 8-bit OS (operating system) that was one of the first to accomplish connection to the internet, the web browser either being or being similar to Lynx. It is very similar to the Apple II computer from the 80's and 90's, but Contiki can be downloaded from various websites. The most common use for this OS is for web browsing(text) and for old-school gaming.

I installed Contiki onto one of my old computers today. It's like a computer from the past.


Travel company that caters to those 18-30. Has tours in Europe, Asia, North America, Australia and New Zealand. One of those large, unruly tour companies that are filled with drunk aussies and only seem fun if you are on it.

I saved up for two years and I'm finally going on my Contiki trip.

Before I went on Contiki i thought i could drink alot, boy did those Aussies show me up!

See europe, australia, gap year


And 8-bit OS (operating system) that was one of the first to accomplish connection to the internet, the web browser either being or being similar to Lynx. It is very similar to the Apple II computer from the 80's and 90's, but Contiki can be downloaded from various websites. The most common use for this OS is for web browsing(text) and for old-school gaming.

I installed Contiki onto one of my old computers today. It's like a computer from the past.


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