
What is Contra?


Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start.


Originally an Arcade game, it is best known as the best Run 'n gun NES game, if not the best Run 'n gun game of all time. It is also the first time the Konami code ever appeared in a video game.

Retard-"Contra is so old, it can't compare to awesome graphics of the Xbox."

Me-"Too bad graphics don't matter, you retard. Contra is the best game ever, and it's worth more money than you."


A game that Pwns all.

You have not become a man until you have beaten Contra III: Alien Wars with three lives on hard.

When used properly, Contra is another word for Pwning everything, which is what you do in the game.

"Dood, we were so Contra, we pwn the world"

See Crawford


A series of games based on fighting the alien scum, Red/Blood Falcon.

The NES game features two shirtless marines, Larry and Bill, with an arsenal of weapons through 8 different zones.

Weapons (Best to Worst):

(S)Spread Gun- Spreads powerful bullets in a large radius. Be thankful you have this weapon.

(L)Laser- Most powerful weapon, continues after hits an enemy, however it stops if fired continuously.

(M)Machine Gun- Hold A to save a fuck load of time and lose some thumb cramps.

(B)Force Field- Like a star in Mario, except there is no extra music. Stay focused to see when it stops.

(R)Rapid Fire- Speeds up your bullets, not useful unless many are collected, then its tha shit!

(F)Fireball- Slow, fired in groups of three, spirals. Worst weapon unless you gather lots of R.


Super Contra

Contra III: The Alien Wars

Many more...


Kickass video game that wussies think is too hard, so they put in a thirty lives code.


In a word: Hardcore

Contra III kicks so much ass that it is not suitable for women and children.


1. A video game played on the NES

2. An opposing force

3. Military forces created by the CIA in the mid 80's to combat the sadinista movement in Nicaragua and the spread of communism in central america, funded by weapon sales to Iran and the spread of crack-cocaine through the united states.

1. Contra is a badass game.

2. The contra to fire is water.

3. CIA Contras in central america were created to keep the united states foothold on the region during the cold war period.

See konami, contra, nes


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