
What is Contrarian?


1) A person who disagrees with the mainstream or accepted view because he believes it makes him look good and feeds his ego, not because his argument is well thought-out or rational.

2) A false iconoclast who attacks the idols of truth and social justice in order to bring freedom to the status quo and powerful interests.

3) A person who believes they are staking a claim of intellectual daring by suggesting that progress has harmed society.

That Caitlin Flanagan is a real contrarian, always willing to challenge the notion that women are the intellectual and social equals of men by brazenly daring to send them back to the kitchen.

See false, intellectual, iconoclast, contrary


A person or group of persons who casts "thumbs down" on an entire library of an individual Urban Dictionaryauthor's definitions because they disagree with one of said author's definitions/opinions. Contrarians love to play red light/green light.

Sasha told all of her friends to thumbs down anything by Marcus. What a contrarian.

See jealousy, petty, buzzkill, blonde, loser


further showing that bush is dumb.

bush says "contrarian to popular belief, I am smart"


Someone who hates your social views and opinons out of simplicity and ignorance. How sad.

As soon as Jaime voiced her support of interracial marriage she discovered how contrarian her closest friends really were.

See loser, ignorance, serf, poor, sister


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