
What is Conufoola?


noun= several species of small furry animals in a cave pulsing to a light.

verb= to join the several species of small furry animals in a cave pulsing to a light

adj= to be like several species of small furry animals in a cave pulsing to a light

noun= While ambling through the woods, I came upon a rare conufoola eating beef stew.

verb= When Ted found out he was schizophrenic, he later ran from his mentlal hosptial and conufooled with some hippo-birds.

adj= When he made the conufoola remark of "Be-bop ba bunk", I rolled my eyes and blacked out.

Warning: not responsible for attack by conufoolas, you must always wear protection when in one, because the fires they dance around can be very warm and invisible.

ALSO NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OF EMO (be like Coono, the founder of conufoola's world wide. He enjoys playing with 4 year old Conoo's, and small talk about pecan pie. He had a dream when younger, to become a scriptwriter in Conufooland, but pursued a path of righteousness of the Conu people. Everyone hated him , and he went and lived in some guys facial hair.

many thanks to PINK FLOYD

See eskimo, hardy, conufoola, tickle


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