
What is Converge?


A brilliant hardcore band with possibly the best lyrics in the genre.

Did you see the Converge show last week? It was fuckin' sick.


A scene kid's wet dream: an overrated, artsy metalcoreband who's fanbase is mainly made up of males between the ages of 19-25 who dress and behave like 13 year old females.

They sound like a five year old messing around with a guitar for the first time, a dog being abused next to a microphone, with some standard metalcore drumming. Amazing! (sarcasm)

An few examples of Converge fanboys:

"Dude, I just bought a Jane Doe zipup off the net, it's sick, do you think Jacob Bannon will let me blow him now?"

"If you don't like Converge at first, take some drugs and it will be amazing"

See converge, metalcore, hardcore, metal, rock


A scene kid's wet dream: an overrated, artsy metalcore band who's fanbase is mainly made up of males between the ages of 19-25 who dress and behave like 13 year old females.

They sound like a five year old messing around with a guitar for the first time, a dog being abused next to a microphone, with some standard metalcore drumming. Amazing! (sarcasm)

A few examples of Converge fanboys:

"Dude, I just bought a Jane Doe zipup off the net, it's sick, do you think Jacob Bannon will let me blow him now?"

"If you don't like Converge at first, take some drugs and it will be amazing"

See converge, metalcore, hardcore, metal, rock, kyth


A scene kid's wet dream: an overrated, artsy metalcoreband who's fanbase is mainly made up of males between the ages of 19-25 who dress and behave like 13 year old females.

They sound like a five year old messing around with a guitar for the first time, a dog being abused next to a microphone, with some standard metalcore drumming. Amazing! (sarcasm)

A few examples of Converge fanboys:

"Dude, I just bought a Jane Doe zipup off the net, it's sick, do you think Jacob Bannon will let me blow him now?"

"If you don't like Converge at first, take some drugs and it will be amazing"

See converge, metalcore, hardcore, metal, rock


probably the most overrated band in metal today. loved by new-schoolers worldwide.

"hey man, want to go and see Converge next weekend?" "hell no brah. i'm going to Tampa to see Disembodied, Ascension, Overcast, and Bloodlet. You should come."


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