
What is Convergence?


When two anal gas excretions are mixed together to make one smell so horrible that it causes someone to pass out.

After Tom and Bill get done saddlebackingeach other for hours on end, they like to end their romantic session by creating a big convergence for themselves from their newly stretched anal parts. Then they hold and caress each other softly while they slowly drift off to sleep.

See tom, bill, saddlebacking, convergence, caress, romance, anal, gas, smell


the coming together of two farts to create a super fart

When Bill and Tom farted, Karen was stuck in the area of the Convergence.

See fart, converge, tom, bill, karen


A totally rockin' sci-fi/fantasy convention help in Minneapolis on the 4th of July weekend every year. The sexiest con ever.

I am always way sexy at CONvergence!


when people all meet in one place for something

the hippies converged on san francisco

See narin


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