Conversation Killer

What is Conversation Killer?


A line or phrase that is either purposely used to end a conversation with someone as soon as possible, or a comment that unwittingly ends a conversation.

Tony: Ey man, whats up!

Simon: Nothing.

Tony: What you been up to today?

Simon: Not much.

Tony: Such a conversation killer...


Joe: The new CD is so good!

Mark: Yeah, tell me about, it's great!

Lisa: I totally agree with you guys.

Tim: I bought a new shirt today!

Joe: ...

Mark: ...

Lisa: Nice conversation killer!

See convo killer, conversation, convo


Words or phrases that one would use to "kill" a conversation. Usually with someone you really wouldn't rather be talking to. These words or phrases usually consists of one-worded anwsers and are usually in the most simplistic form.

Josie: "So how was your day today? Mine was pretty good."

Butch: "Fine"

Butch's Friend: "Wow Butch, why the conversation killer with Josie?"


A Conversation Killer is a person who starts a conversation knowing full well that it is going absolutley no where!! (they will always deny killing the conversation)

<Mr L> hey

<Miss J> hello

<Mr L> so....

<Miss J> ur such a conversation killer

<Mr L> i so did not!!

See killer, conversation, convo, kills


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