
What is Conway?


A Company Of Heroes(PC game) celeb.

No problem in owning you with easy with his tactics.. also known as "Conway tacs", more specificly, What to do when you encounter sandbags

"I owned you with easy"

"Your sandbags didnt know how to stop my mans from going other ways"

"Trucks with mans kills sandbags"

"i did it my way, the conway"

See conway, coh, funny, tactics, war


The best-looking cool guy in town. He seems quiet, but often makes the smartest remark of the evening - offering quality over quantity. Known for his subtle yet elegant attire and purest love for kitties.

That Conway, what a dapper young man!

See conway, conrad, kitties, sandals, headphones


Term used to describe a peanut headed baffoon that wears flourescent jacets and makes love to his cousin. Can often be found spending his grans money in the casino. More oftenly labelled a 'bad man'.

He's a complete 'CONWAY', he'd shag his own gran.

See retard, mong, spaz, peanut, bad, sister


A wonderful town in Arkansas, perhaps the best. The town in which Kris Allen is from. Has a population of about 50,000. A great vacation spot.

Did you hear about Conway? Kris Allen is from there, we should vacation in one of their many hotels!

See arkansas, beautiful, fun, vacation


1) noun. A girl with nappy hair

2) verb. To exhibit an act of utter craziness.

1) Guy 1: Dude check her out.

Guy 2: Sick - what a conway.

2) Guy 1: Shoot - she's going all conway on my ass!

Guy 2: She so crazy!


maccabi tel-aviv junior renound for exploiting the shabby quality of AND1 sneakers worldwide; most likely a combination of the parquette court 4 at waverly stadium, and his breakneck lateral speed that has left many a pair reminiscent of pete murray (seen better days). whether in full wesley purple and gold, or just rocking black on black nba shoes with jeans his endeavour never flounders. when coach neason was confronted about this high flyer he finished with "it's all about the music with this kid." coming from a musical background, having global phenoms such as triple word score in the conway household was commonplace. this early influence shine through his "samba" style play.

1. move your feet jason

2. Conway. Muuuuuuuuuuuusic

3. Off the conway please, the game is still going, thankyou.

See konvict, waverly, wesley, kaman, mitchel, johnson


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