
What is Coo?


A shortened more lazy version of the word "cool". Used when it takes too much effort to pronounce the "l".

Aw, fo real? That's coo.

See Sylvia


Coo is another shortened way of saying killer cool. Cartman of south park also uses it.

This site is coo, real coo

See don


Like cool but without the last letter. Used in the place of cool.

Man that movie was totally coo

<Woman> Lets Get Naked

<Man> Ok, coo


The sound that some of the biggest "smaller" birds make, better known as pigeons. Usually hanging around parks and within downtown areas of large cities, these pigeons make a characteristic "cooing" sound.

Me: Look over there! Pigeons!

Pigeon: Cooo.....Coo....

See Mike Rotch


cool and/or alright; okay / yes; in agreeance with.

coo man, coo.

See cool, sweet, alright, rad, bombass, bitchin', killer


someone who is so cool and smooth that they don't even finish the normal syntax in lieu of a quicker, sleeker version of 'cool' <i.e. above the norm, rebel-like>

"Man have you seen Boo Sky? They are coo peeps"

See cool, foo, coo, woo, smooth


Short For Coulatso

Which Means arse in Italian

Nice Coo

See booty, arse, ass, italian


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