Coo Coo Bananas

What is Coo Coo Bananas?



1.A way to describe someone’s behavior.

2. Crazy, Insane. A situation that doesn’t make sense.

3.A way to describe an emotion if you’re feeling too sad or too happy to the point of being out of control.

4.When your thoughts are scattered.

-“That girl is coo coo bananas."

- “That whole thing was coo coo bananas.”

-“I am so coo coo bananas, I might just loose it if no one calms me down.”

-“I cant think right now. I’m still a little coo coo bananas.”

See insane, out of control, wacky, nuts, coo coo, nutty, crazy


crazy. insane. silly. wild.

"her attittude is coo coo bananas"

See crazy, insane, silly, wild, retarted, fun, wacky


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