
What is Coob?


1. a vagina;

2. a naughty take on scooby snacks: coobie snacks.

"1.Oh Man, I really love her coob."

2. "Dude! Let's get some coobie snacks tonight!"

"Awww yeah, you KNOW the coob is out in force tonight, bro!"

See coob, vagina, pussy, cooch, scooby snacks


computer+noob+ nerd+ looser- coolness = coob

idiotic computer nerd that play ganmes all day and never do anything, and call people noobs when they dont know what a Hard Disk is

normal- person "my hard disk is full, i think..., whats a hard disk?"

coob - "YOU ARE A NOOB, bla bla bla bla, bla bla bla, ' i am gonn make no sense so this person will gain nothing from asking the question to me'"

See noob, nube, nwn, irony, people


The lower lip of an african american, due to their usualy large size of lips.

Check out that coob!

Damn dats one big coob!

See lips, black, african, american, cool


to vomit uncontrollably, especially due to consuming an extraordinary amount of alcohol

After lipping the bottle of Kamchatka, Lenny coobed all over the floor.

See Rob


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