
What is Coodies?


a young girl's greatest fear of boys... sperm

ew! jonny's coodies are EVERYWHERE!

See sperm, boys, fear


When your friends won't touch you because of the dirtyness one recieves after being with someone of the opposite sex that they are jealous of.

Get away! You have BLEAM COODIES!!


a deadly disease that little girls give little boys by way of physical contact, especially kisses

oh my goodness!!!!! jill gave johnny coodies!!!! he's a goner :-(

See germs, koodies, aids, death, gross


another word for cool, amazing, good, or simply when you're agreeing on something

friend one: im no longer grounded

friend two: coodies!

See cool, kool, hell yeah, awww, good, amazing


when your butt has pimples all over.

Your freakin butthas coodies.



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