
What is Coofy?


mistaken word for KUFI

Some Muslims wear a kippah equivalent called a kufi. In the United States, the kufi is often associated with Muslims of African descent. A possible origin of this practice is a particular sunnah which states that the followers of Mohammed were never seen without a head covering.citation needed A kufi covers most of the head and is usually white or black.The modern Kufis worn by Muslims were influenced by the kippot worn by the Jews of Arabia

Ima Smack Dat Coofy off yo he4d Beeeoch!

aka Coofy Smack

See coofy, kufi, slap, muslim, hat


Being goofy in a cute way. Cute + Goofy = Coofy

Mr. Dan is so coofy.

See cute, goofy, adorable, goof, goofball, dork, dorky


Coofy is a new slang term meaning pussy.

Jim Jones from Dipset uses the word a lot.

Example: "I'll smack da coofy off ya head"

See pussy, coofi, koofy, pussy juice, bitch


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