Cook A Fart

What is Cook A Fart?


Cooking a fart is when you release gas from your ass while sitting in heated car seats. Because of the heat, similar to food in a skillet on a stove, you get an overwhelming mix of scents and flavors that are intensified. Victims of the pungent odor can often tell what meals were involved in the creation of such farts as well and the aromas almost always beg for a window or two to be cracked.

Man 1: "Why does it smell like broccoli and cheese? Did you just cook a fart?"

Man 2: "We had Quizno's for lunch and yes, I just cooked a fart."

Man 1: "I can taste it. Is that peppercorn steak?"

Man 2: "Why yes, yes it is."

See fart, smelly, pass gas, flatulate


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